Sunday, 18 May 2014

Stardust Crusaders - 06

Torrent. Apologies for the delay again. Wtf is up with the smoking censorship? Bloody violence is fine but we can't show our kids an underage muscleman smoking a cigarette! Or is this a ploy to make money out of the BDs?

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Stardust Crusaders - 05

Torrent. Better late than never. There seems to be a problem with 5:48 related to the "SUCK" typeset - so watch out for that one. A VSFilter problem. Hopefully someone knows a solution for the lag/crash.

Friday, 2 May 2014

Stardust Crusaders - 04

Torrent. Sorry for the bit of delay. RL can be a bother.