It's been just over 2 months since the last release of Stardust Crusaders. Various things have happened that caused this hiatus. But one of those reasons is due to lack of manpower. Translating from Japanese to English can be a straining and tedious job. But changing a translated line into something witty or comical is actually a lot harder and more time-consuming. There are about 3-4 people on the team with myself doing the vast bulk of the work. My job is to convert 330+ lines of dialogue per episode into humorous but relevant dialogue for fans of JoJo's releases and fans of gg's original releases of the Jojo 2012 series. This task could sometimes take me up to the entirety of a weekend with breaks for only eating, cooling-off and sleeping. Yes, it can be that time-consuming.
We at Jojo's Bizarre Subs have noticed that we've attracted a small but special fanbase that probably ranges between 600-3000 loyal viewers. Thanks for sticking with us (if you haven't dropped us by now and gone with CR or Some-stuff). We hope to expand and grow this fanbase so more people can experience and enjoy our work. But we know that in order to do this, we need to release our work in a timely fashion.
This is not an announcement that we're dropping the show. Quite the opposite. We have every intention of continuing. Fortunately, the show will be going on a break (after episode 25 airs) until early 2015. This gives us a good window to catch up.
What is an announcement is this: We are recruiting. We need people of both wit and humor who can alleviate our struggles (tbf my struggles) during the process. Here are the roles open:
- Translator(s): Though the role is not translating from Japanese to English. This is actually to translate from humorless dialogue to comical & witty dialogue. As I've explained above, it's tiresome and brain-draining to be keep on coming up with original jokes that make sense in the context of the story and style. Simply put, this job is you taking a portion of the script and making it funny.
- Typesetter(s): This position is not urgent. But would be a nice addition to the team. Currently, the visual sfx have stopped showing up in our releases since Commie have put the show on indefinite pause. This is a very time-consuming role. It involves masterful knowledge and experience in using Aegisub and likely proficiency in using Mocha tracking tool and Photoshop. Since it requires such expertise and time, this role is only for the utterly dedicated who love creating visual effects.
How to apply? All you need to do is fill out this form. After we get enough applications we deem worthy, we'll respond and set up a method for direct contact.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. And if you apply, thanks for willing to put in the effort to help out,
Jojo's Bizarre Subs